The Vineyard in Fall
The Vineyard in Fall, 16x20, Pastel on Pastelbord, Sold
Print, 8x10" in 11x14 mat $25.00
This is one of the many vineyards located in "Wine Country," of Napa. The summer collection of the grapes is over and fall is in the air, turning the grape vines a rich golden ochre color. There's something about the freshness of fall that just makes me feel better, especially if it's been a really hot summer.
Print, 8x10" in 11x14 mat $25.00
This is one of the many vineyards located in "Wine Country," of Napa. The summer collection of the grapes is over and fall is in the air, turning the grape vines a rich golden ochre color. There's something about the freshness of fall that just makes me feel better, especially if it's been a really hot summer.