Sailboat off Pt. Lobos
Oil Painting on canvas, 18x24", Silver Metal Frame
I just love hanging around Pt. Lobos park, just south of Carmel. It is one of the most wonderful parks in California. It combines continuous inlets, where the sea and land meet, lots of walking paths and the sounds of sea birds and seals barking as you breathe in the wonderful fresh smell of the pines and ocean.
I took a photo of this sailboat when it was right off of one of the points of land in the park. Upon returning home I painted the scene in my studio. I used a palette knife on the rocks in the foreground in order to provide greater texture and add more of a 3D effect to the canvas.
I just love hanging around Pt. Lobos park, just south of Carmel. It is one of the most wonderful parks in California. It combines continuous inlets, where the sea and land meet, lots of walking paths and the sounds of sea birds and seals barking as you breathe in the wonderful fresh smell of the pines and ocean.
I took a photo of this sailboat when it was right off of one of the points of land in the park. Upon returning home I painted the scene in my studio. I used a palette knife on the rocks in the foreground in order to provide greater texture and add more of a 3D effect to the canvas.